News and Stories

One thing is for sure nothing ever stands still at 4NT we are always trying new things, putting on events and bringing more value to our members…

LOVE - That is all
Stacey Parkes Stacey Parkes

LOVE - That is all

It is not what you perceive that binds you, but rather your clinging to it that creates attachment, tension, and suffering. Cutting through this clinging is a path to freedom. This teaching is often understood in relation to the sense of self—the identity we construct and hold onto, believing it to be permanent, unchanging, and enduring. But let’s take a step back and look at this idea from a more conventional perspective.

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What even is Yoga?
Stacey Parkes Stacey Parkes

What even is Yoga?

If you ask most people what yoga is, they’ll probably say something about stretching, fancy poses, or trying to look serene while balancing on one foot. And sure, the physical practice is part of it—but if that’s all yoga was, it would’ve died out thousands of years ago. Yoga is way bigger than just moving your body.

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Campfire Vibes and Sri Ram: Why Chanting Is the Ultimate Reset
Ghost Ghost

Campfire Vibes and Sri Ram: Why Chanting Is the Ultimate Reset

If you’ve ever felt a bit stuck, a bit “meh,” or like you’re carrying around the emotional equivalent of a suitcase filled with bricks, chanting Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram could be exactly what you need to lighten the load. This mantra is pure gold, and Jai Uttal’s track Campfire: Sri Ram nails it—simple, uplifting, and ridiculously transformative.

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Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu: Don’t be a C*%T
Ghost Ghost

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu: Don’t be a C*%T

The Karma Reality Check  

Cue Karma—not just a JoJo Siwa track but the cosmic cause-and-effect machine. Every thought, word, or action you throw out there? It’s boomeranging back to you. Einstein even backed this up with his whole “space is curved” thing, which we’re interpreting here as “be nice, because your energy is coming back around.”  

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